Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) serves multiple purposes. A key purpose is preparation of youth for work. This takes the form of learning and developing work related skills and mastery of underlying knowledge and scientific principles. Work is broadly defined and therefore refers to both formal employment and self-employment. To support self-employment, TVET curricula often include entrepreneurship training. Related to this is the social reproduction and transformation of occupational and vocational practices.
A related role is continuing professional development. The rapid technological changes demand that workers continuously update their knowledge and skills. Unlike the past where a job could be held for life, it is common place to change vocations several times. TVET enables that flexibility in two ways. One is providing broad based technical knowledge and transversal skills on which different occupations can be based on.
The another role of TVET is providing continuing vocational training to workers. In contrast with the industrial paradigm of the old economy, today’s global economy lays the onus on the worker to continually reinvent himself or herself. In the past, workers were assured of a job for life, with full-time employment, clear occupational roles and well established career paths.
This is no longer the case. The knowledge dependent global economy is characterized by rapid changes in technology and related modes of work. Often, workers find themselves declared redundant and out of work. TVET today has the responsibility of re-skilling such workers to enable them find and get back to work Apart from providing work related education, TVET is also a site for personal development and emancipation. These concerns the development of those personal capacities that relate to realizing one’s full potential with regard to paid or self employment, occupational interests, and life goals outside of work. At the same time TVET seeks to enable individual overcome disadvantages due to circumstances of birth or prior educational experiences.
Our TVET Programs
- Compressive Nursing
- Midwifery
- Pharmacy Technology
- Medical Laboratory Technology
- Account and Budget Service
- Marketing Service
- Secretarial operation
- Information Technology
- Human Resource Supervision
Admission Criteria
An applicant must satisfy the following criteria for admission to the TVET Program
- Meet the Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination cut‐off point set by the concerned Regional/State TVET Bureau of Ethiopia,
- Produce the soft copy of the Secondary Leaving Certificate Examination score card and transcript for high school properly complete,
- An applicant who has successfully completed a TVET Programs can apply for another TVET training,
- An applicant who has successfully completed undergraduate or postgraduate program from an accredited university/college can apply for TVET training
- Properly complete the admission application process.
- Make a payment for the admission process and send a soft copy of the bank receipt to our online admission system upon request.
- The admission process will only be completed when the applicant send his/her required educational credentials and payment receipts to our online admission system.